Here is a link to my notes for Session 3: Revelation – Session 3 – Numbers In Scripture (PDF)
Here are links to the resources I referenced in the notes:
- What Is the Meaning of Numbers in the Bible and the Significance of Biblical Numerology? (
- What Does 666 Mean in the Bible? Why Is it the Number of the Beast? (
- What is biblical numerology? (
- Why Do Specific Numbers in the Bible Have Important Meaning? (
- Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible? (
- What is gematria? (
For one more session before diving into the scripture we looked at an important aspect of how the scriptures are written, the use of numbers. The Biblical authors display a rich use of numbers throughout scripture to richly convey God’s inspired message.
While it is evident that numbers are important to understanding some passages in the Bible we must always guard against forcing the scritpures into saying something we want to hear. We must always allow the Word of God to guide us instead of attempting to form it into something it is not. Therefore we must be cautious of trying to find some hidden mystical meaning through the use of numbers rather than letting them describe and enhance the underlying message that God is telling us. Refer back to Session 1 and our discussion on exegesis vs. eisegesis.
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